Sunday, November 1, 2009

Infinity and Beyond (BOX 5)

[WRITTEN ON 10/30/09]

Where to begin...

I suppose I should start with an apology; I'm truly sorry that I haven't been updating. I've been so busy- although I'd be a hypocrite if I began listing excuses.

I guess an important topic could be marching band. Just yesterday something hit me- the season ends a week from tomorrow! It has went by incredibly fast. Its funny to think that as my sophomore year of marching band is ending, my sophomore year of high school is still just beginning. We broke 80 last week at Clarkston! We got first with all three captions by a landslide. Which is really exciting. I firmly believe that if we push ourselves to the edge and stay focused box five is possible. For those of you who don't know what box five is, it is the score range in the 90 percentile and above. Something that's always been a goal of ours, but also something that we have never been able to attain. We come close, but never actually received a box five score. Only 1 band in Flight 3 has ever done it in the entire history of the MCBA; that was Hudsonville about 15 years ago under the old score sheets. And boy would I love to cream Stevensville. We'll just have to wait and see though.

Last night, I was inducted into my school's chapter of the National Honor Society. The ceremony itself wasn't all that intriguing- but it was still an exciting experience; and the cookies and punch afterward were exquisite.

Jillian (my best friend) is going out with our friend Ryan again. They are possibly the cutest couple in the school. In terms of my own love life, I'm a little confused at the moment. I've been feeling more and more attracted to this kid with every day that passes. FYI, I used to have a huge crush on this kid. Like I said, I am attracted to him I wouldn't necessarily call it a crush though. Anyway, we've kinda been flirting a lot but the thing is, he's semi-flirty with everyone. So I don't know what to make of it. I'll let you know what happens with that (have you figured out who I'm talking about yet Britt?).

There's so much more that I could talk about, but its going on 11:00 and I have to get up at 6:00. I'll make sure to talk about homecoming, Stratford, as well as a couple other things next time.

PS- my dad's sentencing is on Wednesday- yet another topic to discuss next time.

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