Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I am possibly THE worst blogger in the history of blogging. Not only have I not updated in months, the last 5-ish entries were all short and very uninformative. Not to mention I only have one reader (I LOVE YOU BRITT!).

I suppose I should start by filling you in on things that were long ago promised explanations.

Okay, homecoming. Homecoming was a blast; my friend Sarah was my "date" and we went with a group of our close friends. After the dance, we went to Rachel's house and watched "I Love You, Man". Let me tell you, if you have not seen that movie yet, GO SEE IT! Same with "The Hangover". That's pretty much it, seeing as it was months ago I'm having trouble finding up with good adjectives for the occasion. OH! The pep rally was amazing! The highlight was probably when all of the faculty danced to Michael Jackson, and dressed like him! Too funny. Here's a picture from before the dance.

Also, Stratford. Describing that trip would take way too long, and since Brittany already knows the story I'll just skip out on that. Suffice to say that we were stuck in rural Canada all day and night and didn't get home until 3:00 AM- we def did not go to school the next day. Things were pretty crazy by the end of it, here's a photo to prove it.

My dad. Okay, so in December of 2008 my dad, while high, decided to rob a gas station. This past November, he was sentenced to 6 months in the county jail, which is not all that bad considering the 5-10 years we were expecting. He has now served half of his time and hopefully when he gets out things will be different. Although I highly doubt that my siblings and I will be allowed to see him. Getting visitation time will more than likely not be all that easy after committing a felony. Sorry, no picture for this one.

Back to happy news, about marching band, we are again the flight three state champions! Our performance was amazing, every time I watch the video I get the chills. The adrenaline during and after the show was amazing, and it sure did feel great to take Stevensville down. This time, there is a picture.

Thanksgiving and Christmas were both great, and the end of 2009 flew by. My brother got a rottweiler puppy, and I am now the proud aunt of Lil' Tone Tone!

2010 came in, and Jillian and I went to see Nick Jonas and the Administration at the Fox Theatre (their CD came out yesterday, go buy it!)

I turned 16 and got a chastity ring as well as my license.That's Sarah, Imari, and I before I drove us to Julia's.

I crammed into a tiny room with my youth group.

Not much else has happened. Just small, everyday happenings that make my life great. So far, I've loved my sophomore year.


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