Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hate is a Strong Word

For as long as I can remember, I've always been super judgmental of everyone around me, especially celebrities. I take one look at a person and decide that I "hate" them. How messed up is that? Up until recently, I never cared that I was being mean. Sometimes, I hate people for no reason, sometimes I hold grudges, sometimes I hate people out of envy. For example, over the past couple of years I've decided that I hate Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez. Miley Cyrus obviously has made some poor choices, but don't we all? Who am I to judge her? I don't even know her. While I definitely do not condone a lot of her actions, that doesn't give me a right to "hate" her. With Selena Gomez, though I've never outwardly admitted it, I decided that I "hate" her because she just seemed so annoying to me, not mention I was jealous of how pretty and talented she is (as an actress anyway, I can't stand her music), and then she started dating Nick Jonas- my major celebrity crush. Also, for years now my younger brother, Dominic, and I have rarely gotten along, we are constantly butting heads. I decided a long time ago that I "hate" him because he makes me feel awful, and he doesn't even care. Just another example of my judgmental ways; just because he likes to push my buttons to the extreme, and I want to kill him sometimes, doesn't mean he doesn't love me, even if he has a hard time showing it. As a young child, I often told my mother I "hated" her because like Dominic and I, we rarely got along. Things have changed now and even though I don't always agree with her, and parts of her personality make me want to rip my hair out, I love her, just like I always have.

Overall, I need to grow up, step up to the plate, and stop judging others, especially when I don't even know them.

Lately, I've been working really hard to change that, but not hard enough. From now on, I won't use the word "hate". I'm certainly allowed to dislike people, but I have no right to judge them- that's God's job. I'm lucky that He forgives my sins, otherwise I'd be going straight to hell for a lifetime of hatred.

Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez, just as everyone else on this planet, are beautiful and talented in their own special ways. I am ashamed that I have previously chosen to bash them for reasons previously mentioned. I send my best wishes to them, and everyone else I have ever judged, and God bless them.


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