Monday, June 21, 2010

Sophomore No More

Well, it is now 3 days past the official end of my sophomore year. I am not going to rant about my life like I usually do, because quite honestly, I am not having a good day. It would take forever to get all of it out. I wouldn't feel right not having a closing of some sort to this blog, even though Brittany is my only reader (LOVE YOU!).

Anyway, it's been a long year. It's definitely had its ups and downs, but I made it through. I passed all of my classes with flying colors, and I rode the Millenium Force.

Wanna know what's going in my life? Watch for a new blog, one that I will update more often- hopefully.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Today was a Fairytale"

In all actuality, today was far from a fairytale. But that's okay. I've been thinking about a lot of things lately; this post is going to be a window into just one of the things that have been on mind.

Here it goes...

Something we all have to realize at one point or another is that the only who controls our lives is us. Even if your religious, only you can control your life. Personally, I am a very avid Christian. While I try to live my life as God wishes me to, I still make all of my own decisions. I ask Him for guidance but when it comes down to it I'm still the one choosing what my next move will be. Sometimes I choose the right thing and other times... not so much.

I'm not saying all of this because I am deciding to be a rebel and completely disregard my parents and other authoritative figures. I am saying all of this because I have made a pretty big decision.

This entire school year I have had a conflicted love life. The kid I like seemed to like me for a while, but then things kinda died down- but my feelings were still there, and they still are. I'm not talking about just any kid either, this is a kid that I've found attractive since fourth grade. The only difference, now that I'm in tenth grade, is that I don't just think of him as a cute friend. I think of him as someone who I want to have a relationship with. Whether or not that's going to happen, who knows? My main problem this whole year has been that he has been sending out mixed signals, but as I recently realized, so have I.

So I'm going to step up my game, especially now that I'm aware that an ex-friend of mine is after him as well- although I don't think he'd ever go out with her (maybe that's just my wishful thinking). None the less, if I sit back and wait for him nothing is ever going to happen. Why would he pursue me if it seems like I have no interest in him? No more of that.

It's sad that we live in a culture where girls, and boys, feel like they have to hide such feelings from each other. Why shouldn't I tell him that I like him- a lot? If we act as subtle as the media encourages us to be, we will never reap any benefits.

So the moral here is... girls, don't be afraid to display your affections. Just don't smother your crush. Go for him. Go plant a garden. ;)

Make everyday a fairytale.



Saturday, April 10, 2010


I remember a time when I was in second grade watching TRL with my older brothers and a music video I had never seen before came on- Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous by Good Charlotte. I fell in love with the video, and song, immediately and began jumping around the living room, just rockin out. Little did I know, it was the same band who made a video I had seen on TRL when I was in kindergarten- Little Things. A few years later, when I was in fifth grade, a bunch of my friends were telling me about their favorite band, Good Charlotte. It took me a couple days to realize that it was the same band that I had fallen in love with all those years ago, but had never really looked into their music. So I did just that and was super impressed by all of their music. They became my favorite band pretty much over night, I was totally hooked. When I went to one of their concerts that same year, May 2005, I was even more impressed. That concert as well as every interview, etc. that I had ever seen proved just how down to earth these guys were. I thought they were the best people in the world.

Early into sixth grade, I discovered another great band- Avenged Sevenfold. It's coincidence that I discovered them on TRL as well. They were doing a live performance and were introduced by none other than Good Charlotte. For a while I went through this phase where I "hated" Good Charlotte and loved A7X instead.

About a year later, I learned that the bands were good friends with each other and I was super confused. I didn't understand how bands with such different sounds, which made them seem different in all aspects, could be such good friends.

It took me another year to realize that I still love Good Charlotte, and that just because I had a new favorite band I didn't have to give up my old favorite band altogether.

The point of this blog is just to say that both bands are astoundingly talented and super chill. Both bands are laid back and really down to earth, I'd be honored to meet either bands. They're all great people, and even though I don't actually know them, I wish them the best and will continue to support them. Also, Joel Madden's kids are sooo cute!

Good Charlotte AND A7X for LIFE! :)


PS- in case any of you don't know, the Rev got best drummer at the Revolver Goldengods awards; RIP Jimmy! ♥

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hate is a Strong Word

For as long as I can remember, I've always been super judgmental of everyone around me, especially celebrities. I take one look at a person and decide that I "hate" them. How messed up is that? Up until recently, I never cared that I was being mean. Sometimes, I hate people for no reason, sometimes I hold grudges, sometimes I hate people out of envy. For example, over the past couple of years I've decided that I hate Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez. Miley Cyrus obviously has made some poor choices, but don't we all? Who am I to judge her? I don't even know her. While I definitely do not condone a lot of her actions, that doesn't give me a right to "hate" her. With Selena Gomez, though I've never outwardly admitted it, I decided that I "hate" her because she just seemed so annoying to me, not mention I was jealous of how pretty and talented she is (as an actress anyway, I can't stand her music), and then she started dating Nick Jonas- my major celebrity crush. Also, for years now my younger brother, Dominic, and I have rarely gotten along, we are constantly butting heads. I decided a long time ago that I "hate" him because he makes me feel awful, and he doesn't even care. Just another example of my judgmental ways; just because he likes to push my buttons to the extreme, and I want to kill him sometimes, doesn't mean he doesn't love me, even if he has a hard time showing it. As a young child, I often told my mother I "hated" her because like Dominic and I, we rarely got along. Things have changed now and even though I don't always agree with her, and parts of her personality make me want to rip my hair out, I love her, just like I always have.

Overall, I need to grow up, step up to the plate, and stop judging others, especially when I don't even know them.

Lately, I've been working really hard to change that, but not hard enough. From now on, I won't use the word "hate". I'm certainly allowed to dislike people, but I have no right to judge them- that's God's job. I'm lucky that He forgives my sins, otherwise I'd be going straight to hell for a lifetime of hatred.

Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez, just as everyone else on this planet, are beautiful and talented in their own special ways. I am ashamed that I have previously chosen to bash them for reasons previously mentioned. I send my best wishes to them, and everyone else I have ever judged, and God bless them.


Smile, it's spring

Hello again, it feels like I haven't posted in ages. Which is pretty much true. I'm not going to attempt to fill you in on all of the happenings of the past couple months, but I'm going through a pretty rough spot right now. Mostly, I'm having trouble sticking to my motto- live in the moment. Lately, I've been feeling really attached to my past, and I don't know why. I'm constantly wishing that it was a year ago, for so many reasons. I wish my grandma didn't have dementia, I wish I could be in Disney world like I was last spring break, I wish I didn't have boy problems, I wish I didn't owe my mom $500.00, I wish it was summer, I wish it was marching band, blah, blah, blah...the list never seems to stop. Unfortunately, it's taken me about a month to realize that living in the past is my problem. Sure all of those things happening would be great, but none of them are going to happen. My grandma does have dementia, I'm still in Ferndale, not Disney world, I do have boy problems, I do owe my mom $500.00 for fixing my car, and I have to wait for summer and marching band season to come around. All that I can do at this point is hold my head up high, and persevere. Things might not be all that amazing right now, but it could be so much worse- I've been through worse. I need to stop moping through life wishing for things that can't be and live in the moment, like I've learned to do over the past couple years bringing me great joy. I've built up an amazing relationship with God, and as long as He's by side, I can do anything. I'm going to get through this. So now, as I walk down the street, or down the halls of my school, I'll think to myself, smile, it's spring.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The picture in the header is MINE, please do not steal it without my permission!



I am possibly THE worst blogger in the history of blogging. Not only have I not updated in months, the last 5-ish entries were all short and very uninformative. Not to mention I only have one reader (I LOVE YOU BRITT!).

I suppose I should start by filling you in on things that were long ago promised explanations.

Okay, homecoming. Homecoming was a blast; my friend Sarah was my "date" and we went with a group of our close friends. After the dance, we went to Rachel's house and watched "I Love You, Man". Let me tell you, if you have not seen that movie yet, GO SEE IT! Same with "The Hangover". That's pretty much it, seeing as it was months ago I'm having trouble finding up with good adjectives for the occasion. OH! The pep rally was amazing! The highlight was probably when all of the faculty danced to Michael Jackson, and dressed like him! Too funny. Here's a picture from before the dance.

Also, Stratford. Describing that trip would take way too long, and since Brittany already knows the story I'll just skip out on that. Suffice to say that we were stuck in rural Canada all day and night and didn't get home until 3:00 AM- we def did not go to school the next day. Things were pretty crazy by the end of it, here's a photo to prove it.

My dad. Okay, so in December of 2008 my dad, while high, decided to rob a gas station. This past November, he was sentenced to 6 months in the county jail, which is not all that bad considering the 5-10 years we were expecting. He has now served half of his time and hopefully when he gets out things will be different. Although I highly doubt that my siblings and I will be allowed to see him. Getting visitation time will more than likely not be all that easy after committing a felony. Sorry, no picture for this one.

Back to happy news, about marching band, we are again the flight three state champions! Our performance was amazing, every time I watch the video I get the chills. The adrenaline during and after the show was amazing, and it sure did feel great to take Stevensville down. This time, there is a picture.

Thanksgiving and Christmas were both great, and the end of 2009 flew by. My brother got a rottweiler puppy, and I am now the proud aunt of Lil' Tone Tone!

2010 came in, and Jillian and I went to see Nick Jonas and the Administration at the Fox Theatre (their CD came out yesterday, go buy it!)

I turned 16 and got a chastity ring as well as my license.That's Sarah, Imari, and I before I drove us to Julia's.

I crammed into a tiny room with my youth group.

Not much else has happened. Just small, everyday happenings that make my life great. So far, I've loved my sophomore year.