Saturday, September 26, 2009


Forgot to mention that our score tonight was higher than anyone else's from all flights. :)



Just wanted to let you all know that I worked everything out with my best friend regarding homecoming.

Hakuna matata.

(I think I'm going to watch Pocahontas after church tomorrow)

Effin Boss as All Get Out


So I got home from the Trenton competition about an hour ago.
We took 1st capturing all 3 captions (best music, best marching, and best general effect) with a score of 73.05- the highest we have EVER received in September. We did absolutely amazing. Too bad I can't post a video though! I did leave my camera for my mom, but because she's a DAB she couldn't figure it out. Whatever though, she tried. :/

I am exhausted, but very proud and pleased.

your a jerk.

Buenos noches.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sad face.

Wow, two posts in one day. Definitely a big accomplishment.
Unfortunately, the inspiration for this one comes from sad news. But I guess there had to be some sad stuff during the year, right? But I've got my fingers crossed that it won't become a frequent thing.

So basically, it's not really that big of a deal. I really have no idea why I'm making it into such a big one.

This is the story.

I was supposed to be going to homecoming with my very best friend. Tonight, at youth group I found out that that's no longer the plan. Apparently, she and another friend of ours had decided to go together but neither had officially asked the other. Before I go any further, let me just add that A) we agreed to go with each other unless we were asked, B) this other friend is gay. Anyway, so I'm standing there talking with this other friend about how I'm am going with my best friend, and then she walks over to us. Both say they were waiting for the other to ask, and confirm that they are in fact going together. All the while, I'm just standing there dumbstruck; no one could have clued me in? For one, at least in my eyes, that is a completely bogus way to handle it. For two, how am I gonna get another date when homecoming is a week? Let me rephrase that- a DECENT date. Yeah, I would go so far as to say that this is a dilemma.

But it gets better. We're walking up the stairs and she turns to me and says, "You know you're coming over to help me get ready, right?". Really? You leave me hanging like that, and then go there?

But wait, there's still more! During closing prayer, we're going around in a circle saying any prayer requests that we might have, and she turns around- looks at me, and then says she would like to pray for people not to be hypocrites. Am I not allowed to get upset about stuff? Maybe that prayer was meant for herself, because I know that if I got a date, a week before the dance, and DID NOT tell her, she would flip out. I understand that we had an agreement, but at this point, it's really shitty of her to do that. Now I don't have a date- and let me just mention once more that is now a week before the dance. At my school it is a really hard task to find someone that I consider decent, that is also dateless. As I have also mentioned before, I strongly dislike A LOT of people. I know that's a really bad quality to have, but unfortunately that's part of my character.

I'm pretty sure that I'm blowing this way out proportion, maybe it's because I'm PMSing. Whether or not that is the case, I got fucked over by my best friend; and it sucks.

"Hey Brittany!"

A lot has happened over the past couple weeks.
For starters, we got a score of 64.5 at the competition on the 12th. Which is very exciting. For our band, that is record breaking for the score from the first competition, AND it came sooner this season. We have so many reasons to be excited.
Last night at rehearsal we added a body move, the first to this year's show. For that reason, I get to be a BALLERINA as well now! We had to spend about an hour of rehearsal learning to do plies and what not in order to do the move, so much fun.

This past Sunday, the 20th, was the AIDSWALK. As a church we handed out free hot dogs, burgers, chips, punch, water, and vegetables to the walkers (some members of the congregation walked as well). We also had some members of the church form a band to play live music outside, it was such a blast! They didn't play church music, but rather punk rockish stuff. For instance, they played some Weezer. Personally, I was handing out water to walkers as they passed by. Oh! And we had a bucket for dogs to drink, a couple climbed INTO it. That was definitely a great experience. I think that next year I might walk, but who knows.

Friday, is our next home game, we will be playing against Avondale. Of course, the band will be performing at half time, so it will be our first time including the new body move for a performance. Saturday, is will be our second competition at Trenton. This time, however, we will not be the only band in our flight. We will be competing against Dearborn Heights Crestwood, St. Clair Shores Lakeview, Farmington Harrison, and Redford Thurston. All of which are fairly significant competitors, so it will be exciting. We also have added drill for movement 3, finally, also adding an element of excitement. I will try to have this one video taped, though that didn't work so well last time. But that was completely my fault, I forget to leave my camera at my house for my mom- whoops.

On a far more serious note, a friend of mine tried smoking last Saturday night. I am so disappointed in him. We got into a small fight about it- I have 2 marks on my face as a result. But let me just clarify that he did NOT mean to hurt me, I grabbed him first and he was just grabbing me so I would let go; he feels bad for what he did. He promises he won't do anything like that again, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he did. I just hope he understands how stupid it is. I've expressed this to him in so many ways. I've done all that I can as his friend, hopefully that will be enough.

BTW, the song reference in the title is for Britt. Who bugged me to update this. I love you!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Gold Rush

Hello everyone!
So I just got home from tonight's football game against Andover- we won 47-14! Pep band was amazing tonight, and I totally love the support that our cheerleaders give us and the team, and that we give to them as well. The bus ride home was a blast as well.

I can't spend too much time here, because I have to make sure I have all of my stuff ready for tomorrow! Now you're probably wondering what tmw is...; FIRST COMPETITION OF THE SEASON! I am so excited for it, I love this year's show and I personally think we are doing pretty well, knock on wood. Last week, at the 1st home game was our first time performing our show to the public this season, and it felt so good to be in front of an audience again; AND the impact moments were totally there. :)
One disappointing factor though is that we will be the only band competing in our flight (Flight 3), so of course by default we take 1st with all captions. HOWEVER, we will still be getting scored and it will be our first time in front of judges this season, so we will without a doubt do our best (even though we always do because we're FERNDALE); and of course Mr. J will look up the scores of our competitors who are to compete elsewhere tmw to see where we stand. Also, on Wednesday as a band we set the goal to do our best, leave everything on the field, and see if we can manage to get a higher score than West Bloomfield, who took 1st at states last year in Flight 1, beating Plymouth Canton who previously took the title of state champs in that flight for 22 consecutive seasons. So we'll see, wish us luck! For anyone in the area, it's at Troy Athens and we perform at 7:45; come watch us! I'll try to have my mom video it so I can post it... ♥

*jsyk, flights are based on school enrollment, not ranking by score.


Much love.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


So, not much to talk about today.
Been super busy. Yesterday went well; school and marching band (first competition in two days!). Today's schedule is sooo hectic- listen to this; school, pepband, home for dinner, babysitting, and then back home to do my English homework. I am elated, yes, I said ELATED, that tomorrow is Friday!

Well, that was interesting. My sister's soccer coach is picking her up for her game today because my mom is at an appointment with my brother, and he came in and used the bathroom (which is totally cool), and then he was looking in the fridge, along with me, not just like randomly by himself, but still- it was slightly awkward, lol.

Well, I've gotta go as I'm being picked up in a few minutes to go babysit. Wish me luck on algebra quiz tmw!

Much love.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day

I hate all first days for three reasons; syllabus' (or would it be syllabi?), the whole getting to know each other thing teachers make us do, and people. Did I ever mention that I am not a people person? At all? I love my friends to death, but I get annoyed very easily by people idk. I walked through the doors today and my very first thought was ugh people. How's that for enthusiasm? I can be a really negative person...

Overall, the day was just boring; no one changed dramatically, and nothing exciting happened. It could have gone a lot worse though, so I am thankful for that.

Did any of you watch Obama's address to students today at school?
I did, and I almost fell asleep. To be completely honest with you, I do not like President Obama. Though I don't necessarily dislike him either.

I should probably go though, I have homework to do. :/

Peace out girl scout.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Sophomore year starts tomorrow at 8:00 AM.
Still figuring out what to wear, how I'll do my hair and make up...
I got a dress for homecoming. It's pretty, and I'll put a picture up eventually. :)
No marching band today.
Summer went by too fast.

Much love.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Finally, it's here. My shedule for semester one of my sophomore year.

-Honors Advanced Algebra Two with Mr. Kelly
-Honors Biology with Mr. Dunlap
-Wind Ensemble with Mr. Jamison
-Honors World History and Geography with Mrs. Schwind
-Spanish 3 with SeƱora Lopiccolo
-Honors English with Ms. Lesniak

Not looking forward to all the homework, especially after JUST finishing my summer reading assignment. Biology is going to be icky. So excited for wind ensemble!

I'm gonna go eat some lunch.

Much love.