Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sad face.

Wow, two posts in one day. Definitely a big accomplishment.
Unfortunately, the inspiration for this one comes from sad news. But I guess there had to be some sad stuff during the year, right? But I've got my fingers crossed that it won't become a frequent thing.

So basically, it's not really that big of a deal. I really have no idea why I'm making it into such a big one.

This is the story.

I was supposed to be going to homecoming with my very best friend. Tonight, at youth group I found out that that's no longer the plan. Apparently, she and another friend of ours had decided to go together but neither had officially asked the other. Before I go any further, let me just add that A) we agreed to go with each other unless we were asked, B) this other friend is gay. Anyway, so I'm standing there talking with this other friend about how I'm am going with my best friend, and then she walks over to us. Both say they were waiting for the other to ask, and confirm that they are in fact going together. All the while, I'm just standing there dumbstruck; no one could have clued me in? For one, at least in my eyes, that is a completely bogus way to handle it. For two, how am I gonna get another date when homecoming is a week? Let me rephrase that- a DECENT date. Yeah, I would go so far as to say that this is a dilemma.

But it gets better. We're walking up the stairs and she turns to me and says, "You know you're coming over to help me get ready, right?". Really? You leave me hanging like that, and then go there?

But wait, there's still more! During closing prayer, we're going around in a circle saying any prayer requests that we might have, and she turns around- looks at me, and then says she would like to pray for people not to be hypocrites. Am I not allowed to get upset about stuff? Maybe that prayer was meant for herself, because I know that if I got a date, a week before the dance, and DID NOT tell her, she would flip out. I understand that we had an agreement, but at this point, it's really shitty of her to do that. Now I don't have a date- and let me just mention once more that is now a week before the dance. At my school it is a really hard task to find someone that I consider decent, that is also dateless. As I have also mentioned before, I strongly dislike A LOT of people. I know that's a really bad quality to have, but unfortunately that's part of my character.

I'm pretty sure that I'm blowing this way out proportion, maybe it's because I'm PMSing. Whether or not that is the case, I got fucked over by my best friend; and it sucks.

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